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Monday 26 November 2012


Polyester had a chat to the lovely Helen Croome (aka Gossling) recently. We asked her about everything from festivals and collaborating to probing her about her fashion and beauty secrets.

I’ve read that you have plans to pursue more TV and film work. Would you be able to elaborate on that? What role does having Hazard featured on American Horror Story play in this decision?
I majored in Film Composition at University so I have a keen interest in composing music specifically for TV, advertising, film etc. I have been able to pick up a few jobs here and there and combine writing for Gossling with writing music for iPad apps, a TV commercial and short film. Having a Gossling song picked up by a US television series was incredible. It's always been a goal of mine.

You have spoken about collaborating in the past. If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be and why?
I'd like to collaborate with James Vincent McMorrow. I think he has great songwriting and arrangement ideas and would love to work with him. 

You are compared to Julia Stone fairly often. Do you hear the similarity yourself? Are you a fan of Julia’s work?
I can hear the similarities and I know a bit of her work. I'm not really bothered by comparisons. It's a common thing to compare an artist with another artist in order to describe their sound. 

Do you do your own hair for when you are performing?
Yes, I do my own hair and makeup 99% of the time.

If you could only use on make-up item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Concealer for sure!

What style of clothing do you like to wear on stage?
I like to wear short, full skirts. I like to show a bit of leg, but it's hard to wear a short, straight skirt on stage and not flash everyone while sitting at the piano! 

What beauty product / secret do you live by?
Having clean hair gives me confidence. 

Who is your favourite fashion designer?
I'm a big fan of Melbourne designer Kuwaii

Who are you looking forward to seeing at Peats Ridge Festival?

Peats Ridge Festival 29th Dec- 1 Jan you can buy tickets here.

Rachel xx



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