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Friday 23 November 2012

The Medics

With the countdown to New Years Eve on, Polyester is doing a special on the Peats Ridge Arts and Music Festival. We will be talking to some of the fantastic acts that will be heading to Peats Ridge this year. And who better to start it all off with than The Medics!

Polyester had a chat with lead guitarist Andy about playing festivals and supporting The Living End.

You guys played Goldendays on Saturday. How was that? Any highlights?
It was a great festival! Really relaxed, without being slack as it was even running ahead of time! But I think that the highlight was that it didn't rain during our set, as it was hammering down when we left Brissy that morning.

You’re also supporting The Living End in December. Would you be able to tell me a bit more about these shows? Have you followed them for a long time?
Back in the day, as a young musician, I really looked up to The Living End as being one of the only "punk attitude" bands circulating Australia. It's going to be a big milestone when we hit the stage on their first 2 Brisbane shows! 

     Your music is described as having a “didn’t see that coming moment”. Is that something that is also incorporated into your stage performances?
When you experience one of those moments, it's probably a new thing to us too, just flowing with the vibe of the show and how the dynamics change. But we enjoy being unpredictable.

     Does your performance differ depending on whether you are playing a festival or concert? Which do you prefer?
I wouldn't say we look at our shows in those two lights, we have a sort of rating system by how many people we guess will be in the crowd, but 20 seconds in, those feelings are gone and its just a sick show!

     And lastly, who are you looking forward to seeing at Peats Ridge?
Most looking forward to The Black Seeds and Northeast Party House. But also, we run into Deep Sea Arcade and Gung Ho a lot these days, so that will be a night!

The Medics are playing:
Support for The Living End, the zoo, Brisbane, Dec 1st & 2nd. Get tickets here.
 Peats Ridge Festival 29th Dec- 1 Jan you can buy tickets here.


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