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Monday 29 October 2012

The Interview

In a society addicted to “reality TV”, Sam Atwell’s adaptation of theatre play, The Interview, will have you questioning truth and how celebrity is perceived.  The fast-paced drama, originally penned for theatre by Theo van Gogh and subsequently transformed into a film staring Steve Buscemi and Sienna Miller, follows B-list celebrity and tabloid regular, Katja (Alison McGirr, Home and Away), who yearns to be taken as a serious actress.

But when she is interviewed by burnt out political correspondent, Pierre Peters (Kip Gamblin,  All Saints), both reveal more than intended.
Atwell says both characters are, “Spinning a version of themselves that they want the world to believe.”
With the two actors themselves controlling the lighting and music, the audience is set to be very much in their world. Atwell continues, “What we’ve tried to do is make it as real as possible for the audience.” Add to that the setting literally being the theatre itself and Atwell looks sure to be achieving this.
With Katya and Pierre both revealing their deepest secrets, the question that still needs to be answered is who’s playing who?

The Australian Premier of The Interview is playing at Bondi Pavilion Theatre, Bondi Beach from 31 Oct-23 Nov 2012. $21-33,, 1300 241 167.

Rachel x

This post has also appeared on Alternative Media Group's page.

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