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Wednesday 3 April 2013

Silence in the House of God.

Silence in the House of God is a horrific account of stolen youth, rather than death, we as viewers are witness to the horrors of child molestation within the Catholic Church. The film directed by Alex Gibney, builds its case through the story of four deaf men that as children were molested by the priest that administered their local parish and school in Milwaukee. Much of their life they had fought for their voices to be heard in a religious community that was very much built against them.

As with the many stories we hear of whistle blowers, their path to justice and closure is never an easy one and this film paints a damning picture of the handling of cases such as those found in that small town of Milwaukee, and others found around the world. The most damning evidence to the Church's blatant disregard for the victims, was the extent to which the senior hierarchy, including the recently resigned Pope Benedict, was aware, and how it willingly turned a blind eye. Causing further anguish was the absence of necessary action taken to prevent these crimes from happening again.
This film now holds particular relevance for Australian audiences with the upcoming royal commission into child sex abuse and also now looking forward, how the church in the 21 century, will handle this issue today. This is a powerful film with important revelations and questions, Gibney is able to shock audiences without resorting to overly emotive scenes depicting the abuses but by relying on the testimony of his brave four figures. With these elements and effective editing Gibney is able to present an ultimately fair and factually based account of this all to common issue, a definite must see.


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Falling Overnight.

Indie-romance flick, Falling Overnight, follows 22-year-old Elliot (Parker Croft) on his last night before major brain surgery. As his journey collides with an exhilarating young photographer called Chloe, (Emilia Zoryan) she takes him on an eventful night with her adventurous friends.

The writing in this film is absolutely superb, pulling you in to the LA scene right from the very beginning.
From house parties to parties on mountaintops and concerts in tunnels, the locations that this film was shot in are incredible and visually striking.
It is hard to believe that it was shot in just 14 days, by a bunch of twenty-something year old friends.

Christian Yeager (Exec. Producer), Parker Croft (Actor, Writer, Exec. Producer), Aaron Golden (Writer, Exec. Producer)

Croft’s acting is incredibly powerful; he owns the screen with his ambience, reminiscent of a young Zach Braff.

Chloe’s friends are what make this film whole. They bring that extra layer of foundation and have great one-liners. Had the story been exclusively between Elliot and Chloe, something would certainly have been lost.
Everything about this film falls perfectly into place, including a soundtrack that is spot on.

It is no wonder this film has won a slew of awards including: Winner Best Actor, Nashville Film Festival, Winner Best Actor, Jacksonville Film Festival and Winner Best Independent Feature, Sonoma International Film Festival.
Falling Overnight is a must watch film, with it’s actors and creators talents to keep an eye out for.

Gina Riley - Treated for Breast Cancer

Kath & Kim co-creator and star, Gina Riley, has made public that she has been treated for Breast Cancer. 
The 51 year old detected the cancer after a mammogram and ultrasound, however, no bump was found. Riley was diagnosed before Christmas and has since had the cancer removed.
Riley, who gets yearly breast checks, has said, 
"The cancer has been found early and is treatable and for that I feel lucky and grateful. I am being looked after by an amazing medical team."
The star has also encouraged others to go and get their breasts checked, 
"So ladies, get your breasts checked out. Preferably by a health professional."

Stars announcing that they have breast cancer generally has a positive outcome. 
Previous ladies to announce they have the cancer, such as Kylie Minogue in May 2005 and Kerri-Anne 
Kennerley in June last year, resulted in a spike in women going to get screened.

After Kerri-Anne announced her cancer BreastScreen Victoria, which usually receives about 1200 calls a day, had 3750 appointments for mammograms made in the following two days. 
Simon Chapman, a professor of public health at the University of Sydney, saw the same thing happen the week after Kylie announced her cancer.
Reporting that there was a 40% increases in average weekly BreastScreen booking across 4 states the week after the announcement.

Rachel x

Monday 18 March 2013

Queen Bey - Bow Down / I Been On

The alway fierce, Beyonce, yesterday released a brand spankin' new track on her website, which is going viral pretty damn quickly.
This year Beyonce has been in the spot light frequently, performing at the Inauguration and Superbowl,  attending various award ceremonies and having her HBO Documentary screened. However, there has been no new tunes...until now.
The-Dream, the producer who Beyonce is currently working with on her follow up to her 2011 release 4, gave a bit of a scoop to "RapFix Live", saying, 
"There's no particular sound that I think we're shooting for, we're just trying to make music that feels good,"
"If you've seen the HBO thing, which was great, we had been talking about doing something that showcases who she is and what she wants because we see those figures that are so out of the stratosphere."

What do you think of the new track?
Rachel x

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Splendour 2013.


Splendour in the Grass 2013 is well under way in the planning department.
This year Splendour will finally be at it's long planned permanent home of North Byron Parklands. Twenty minutes North of Byron Bay, this beautiful location is 660 acres featuring native forest and dams.
“It has been a long journey to get to this point. Seven years after we first found this idyllic piece of land, we’re so excited to finally move Splendour to its permanent home at North Byron Parklands.” said co-producers Jessica Ducrou and Paul Piticco.
Splendour will be on: Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of July.
Stay tuned for the line-up!

Rachel x

Tuesday 12 March 2013

David Bowie

David Bowie's latest album, The Next Day, is currently number one in forty countries. 
So I thought it would be a great idea to compile some facts about this incredibly interesting human. 

  • Many people believe that Bowie has two different coloured eyes. However, in actual fact, he has a dilated pupil in one eye from a school yard fight with George Underwood, Underwood later went on to do album artwork for Bowie.
  • David Bowie was born David Robert Jones.
  • Like many other artists Bowie was unsuccessful prior to his huge success constantly being booed off stage with his band The Hype.
  • Bowie change his name so he wouldn't get confused with Davey Jones from The Monkees
  • In 1973 Bowie had no less than six albums in the charts.
  • Bowie's first lead acting role was as an alien in1976 film The Man Who Fell to Earth.
  • The baby noises in Labyrinth's song Magic Dance are made by Bowie.
  • He received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006. 
  • Bowie shared a flat in Berlin with Iggy Pop for three years.
  • In 2007 Bowie made a guest appearance as Lord Royal Highness in an episode of Spongebob Square Pants.
  • At the height of his cocaine, addiction during his 1974 Diamond Dogs tour, he weighed a tiny 43kg - supposedly living on peppers and milk.
  • Bowie declined a knighthood in 2003, saying, "I would never have any intention of accepting anything like that. I seriously don't know what it's for, it's not what I spent my whole life working for."
  • Bowie refused to star in the London Olympics Closing Ceremony. 
I hope you learnt something new and interesting about the man who is David Bowie.
Rachel xx 

Tuesday Tune - Pink Floyd

With this week marking 40 years since the release of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, how could I not make Tuesday's Tune, Time
Pink Floyd's 8th studio album is known as their most successful.
Staying in the charts for an incredible  741 weeks from 1973-1988, with an estimated 50 million copies sold. Making the band millions of dollars. 
The album, recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios, has since gone on to be remastered and re-released twice.   
Cover of The Dark Side of the Moon
The album included two singles, Time and Money
It also went on to be the centre of rumours about the album being the original soundtrack of film The Wizard of Oz. Being dubbed "The Dark Side of the Rainbow" or "The Dark Side of Oz".
The band completely denied these rumours.
The Dark Side of the Moon continues to be recognised for it's prowess, being voted 8th in NME's 2006 Best Album of All Time poll.

Rachel xx