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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Falling Overnight.

Indie-romance flick, Falling Overnight, follows 22-year-old Elliot (Parker Croft) on his last night before major brain surgery. As his journey collides with an exhilarating young photographer called Chloe, (Emilia Zoryan) she takes him on an eventful night with her adventurous friends.

The writing in this film is absolutely superb, pulling you in to the LA scene right from the very beginning.
From house parties to parties on mountaintops and concerts in tunnels, the locations that this film was shot in are incredible and visually striking.
It is hard to believe that it was shot in just 14 days, by a bunch of twenty-something year old friends.

Christian Yeager (Exec. Producer), Parker Croft (Actor, Writer, Exec. Producer), Aaron Golden (Writer, Exec. Producer)

Croft’s acting is incredibly powerful; he owns the screen with his ambience, reminiscent of a young Zach Braff.

Chloe’s friends are what make this film whole. They bring that extra layer of foundation and have great one-liners. Had the story been exclusively between Elliot and Chloe, something would certainly have been lost.
Everything about this film falls perfectly into place, including a soundtrack that is spot on.

It is no wonder this film has won a slew of awards including: Winner Best Actor, Nashville Film Festival, Winner Best Actor, Jacksonville Film Festival and Winner Best Independent Feature, Sonoma International Film Festival.
Falling Overnight is a must watch film, with it’s actors and creators talents to keep an eye out for.

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