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Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentine's Day.

So it's February 14th again. All the single ladies are crying and maybe even some relationship gals are crying too because their tight ass boyfriends won't give in to consumerism to declare their love. 

Any way if you are a whinging single lady Ferrero has just the thing for you!
Ferrera has released the Ferrero Break Up Box for singles and the recently broken hearted, and guess what it includes:
- Crazy, Stupid Love on DVD
- T2 Chamomile Tea
- And of course Ferrero Pralines 

Ferrero Break Up Box
Now if you're a relationship gal, there is great news for you!
You can get the For Her Piccolo hamper, the one that includes only chocolate! 
Because everyone knows that those in relationships don't have to watch there weight! They can eat as much chocolate as they like.
But singles, you can only eat a small amount of chocolate and drink tea from a mug that tells you to keep calm - fantastic stereotyping Ferrro.

My advice for all lasses out there, take some advice from Queen B and be an Independent Women not only on V-Day, but every day of the year!

Happy Valentines Day!
Rachel xx

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