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Monday 24 December 2012

Winter People

A couple of weeks ago I spoke to Dylan from the fantastic Winter People. We chatted about touring the U.S., Dylan's knack for letter writing, all things films and of course Peats Ridge Festival!
Here's what went down:

You did a small tour in the U.S. a couple of months ago, how was that? Any highlights?
New York City is an amazing place. It's like if the population of Australia were a piece of paper that got folded over and over into this tightly compressed place. (And Los Angeles was kind-of the opposite, a piece of paper that got unfolded and taken to Office Works and printed out at quadruple size). Our highlight of the trip was probably the Bowery Ballroom show. Great venue, great sound, other bands were great fun and it was just an all round enjoyable night.

2012 has been a big year for Winter People, what's on the cards for 2013?
Likely more touring and hopefully some more festival slots, but the one must-do goal is more recordings.

The band has gotten a long way through letter writing. Why do you choose to write letters rather than emails? Do you think using a mode of communication that is becoming outdated helps you stand out?
Well for those that know me socially, and I've been travelling much, my 'emails' tend to be the form of letters anyway (that is, long form, extended pieces of writing). And long before I had any aspirations as a musician, I was already writing letters to people who I couldn't talk to face-to-face. Letter writing is just in my blood somewhere. Also, and perhaps this is just natural-human-nostalgia, but like a lot of folks in this day and age, I have an affinity for the physical / tangible item, Digital things are endlessly reproducible, and conceptually 'light' (that is, their physical presence has no manifestation on a human scale). A letter is just an email in physical form. A one-off.

What was the last film you watched?

What's your all time favourite movie?
Too difficult, but here's a couple:
The Big Lebowski
Fight Club
Twelve Monkeys
Pulp Fiction
There Will Be Blood

Horror or Comedy?
Horror Comedies like Night of the Living Dead 5 ("this is my boom stick!")

Who's your favourite actor?
Tough one. Mhm, perhaps George Clooney. For being an all round nice guy, who's made some pretty decent films himself (Good Night Good Luck etc)

Who would play you in a biopic of your life?
Has there been a biopic of the Hunchback of Notre Damn made yet? Who plays the Hunchback? Or perhaps De Niro as Frankenstein's Monster - I'd want the Monster to play me!

Who are you looking forward to seeing at Peats Ridge Festival?
The Medics, Northeast House Party, Brackets and Deep Sea Arcade.

Winter People are playing Peats Ridge Festival this New Years. 
You can purchase some sweet entry tickets here.


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